t is tough to get to they gym when it’s over 100 degrees and the last thing I want to do is be MORE sweaty and tired. Thankfully I have a great gym community that makes going to get myself in shape a lot more fun. My go to gym session is spin class because I love the combination of strength training, cardio, and the team building atmosphere. There’s nothing like riding alongside such energetic and encouraging people to keep you motivated.
I wore this workout combo to my class the other day and it loved how breathable everything was.
This jacket is one of my new favorite finds because it is so lightweight and easy to throw on for a workout or just a walk outside as an extra layer. These shoes are my special cycling shoes from TIEM and I love that they look just like tennis shoes. The recessed cleat lets you walk on them without feeling unsteady and can get you to and from the gym without having to change.
What is your go to gym workout?
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