There are two kinds of people in the world: those that LOVE holiday parties with all the fabulous food, delicious desserts, and merry mingling…and those who don’t. Can you guess which one I am? Even if you are not into the holiday party scene, you will more than likely get dragged to at least one festive gathering and be in search of a hostess gift.
Call me old fashioned, but I think it is rude to turn up at a gathering without SOMETHING for the host or hostess, even if it is a bottle of wine. With holiday parties just on the horizon, I wanted to give you all a few ideas for some great hostess gifts you can bring to your next party. I try to keep my hostess gifts small and personal, since you don’t want to make others feel uncomfortable if they didn’t bring a gift. Even if it is something small, the gesture will be greatly appreciated and is a kind way to thank someone from inviting you into their home.
You can’t ever go wrong with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for a classic hostess gift. They are always appreciated and will outlast the last champagne toast of the night. Try to find a seasonal bouquet with lots of holiday colors and add a gift ribbon for an added touch. Just be sure to offer to help getting them into water so the hostess doesn’t feel obligated to arrange them right then.

Wine is also an easy, always appreciated hostess gift that can be enjoyed that evening or saved for a later occasion. I try to find a wine that has something unique about it, like it comes from the hostess’ home state, or is a local wine from their area. That way it feels a little more personalized than just picking out a random bottle and hoping they like it. Don’t assume the wine you brought will be served that evening though. That is at the hostess’ discretion since they may already have wine selected for the evening.

Unique Kitchen Item
I love giving unique, fun kitchen items as a hostess gift because they are usually something the hostess doesn’t have but can be very handy. Below are a few small kitchen items that make great hostess gifts.
A Tin of Cookies or Sweets
Desserts at the holidays are a must, so bringing a tin of cookies to go with hot coco or a nightcap by the fire is a gift that will keep on giving. Again, like the wine, don’t assume that the cookies will be eaten that evening since the hostess probably has dessert plans, but they may choose to share them with coffee after dinner. Either way, they will be a delicious gift!
A Board Game/Card Game
In my friend group, we love to play board games like Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride at the holidays since it allows us to sit around and talk while still having an activity. A fun new board game or card game can make a lovely hostess gift since it can be shared with others.