Saturday mornings are my favorite time of the week. I always look forward to sleeping in, making a strong cup of coffee, and cooking up brunch for my husband and I to linger over. I try to mix it up every weekend with a breakfast casserole, pancakes, or cheesy grits but brunch always seems to include eggs and bacon.

It has taken me a while, but I think i have perfected the art of fluffy, creamy scrambled eggs. My trick? Taking a cue from Paula Dean, I add a spoonful or two of sour cream to my eggs before scrambling them. I was skeptical at first since I am used to making my eggs with a splash of milk, but the sour cream gives eggs the creaminess I want without making them thin and runny.

I cook my eggs on medium heat and use butter to grease the pan. Keep the eggs moving constantly so they never stay on the heat too long. This keeps them light and prevents any burning. I always take them off the heat just before they are done to let them finish cooking in the cool pan which prevents them from becoming overdone.

My trick to perfect bacon is simple. Sprinkle some brown sugar on the bacon and bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes, depending on how crispy you like your bacon. Baking bacon in the oven rather than frying in a pan cooks the bacon more evenly and doesn’t leave a hot, greasy mess to clean up.

Brunch at home is the perfect way to start off a relaxing weekend and take a little more time to create a special meal rather than just scarfing down some cereal or toast in the morning.

What is your favorite breakfast food when you have time to cook?