This is fun month to celebrate! My baby has officially been outside longer than he was inside! I feel like the 9 months of being pregnant went by so quickly and now this 9 months has slowed down a bit. Maybe its because I was sleep deprived in a haze for the first 2 months, but it feels like things are speeding up again. I’m already having to start thinking about a 1st birthday party (such a WILD thought!), and keeping up with an active little boy keeps the days moving along.
I really do feel like it was just yesterday that I was packing my hospital bags, getting ready to meet our little guy. These past 9 months have been such a beautiful, transformative time for me and I have loved (nearly) every moment of it. There is really no way to prepare a first time mom for all the emotion and change that will occur in an instant, other than to just support her through it. And that has been the biggest blessing to me over the last 9 months. I have had so much support from my dearest family, sweet friends, and our community who all helped me make this transition.

9 months of being a mom has taught me more flexibility and adaptability than I could have ever thought I’d be capable of. For a while there, it felt like things changed every. single. day. From sleep schedules, to naps, to hunger needs, it was CONSTANT change. And for a person who likes consistency and a plan, this had been a major growth opportunity for me.

Aaron is such a sweet little boy though. One smile or big slobbery kiss from him makes all the frustrations of not having a schedule worth it in a moment. His joy and inquisitiveness have taught me to slow down and really appreciate the smallest details of the world around me the way he does.

At 9 months, he still doesn’t have any teeth, although I think they should come in any day now (but I’ve been saying that for 3 months now…). He LOVES to crawl around and be your little shadow throughout the house. He’s been practicing walking while holding onto me, and he’s not far from that milestone (send help when it does happen!). He is very skeptical about solids and doesn’t seem to like a lot other than his favorite peanut butter puffs from Trader Joe’s, but we try every day to introduce new flavors and textures.

His joy is having you sit next to him and just PLAY and SMILE and LAUGH with him. I knew from when I was pregnant that he would love music, and I can see the spark already burning in him when he dances and claps for any kind of music.

The last 9 months have been the most difficult, rewarding, and growth inducing that I have been through, but in the best way possible. I have loved every second of being a mom and feel so fulfilled in everything I do. It has been a joy to see grandparents, aunts and uncles, and our church family love on him too and be a part of his life from such an early age. I pray the love he has been surrounded with will be the firm foundation he needs to grow into the little boy and man He made him for.
My sweet Aaron Christopher, I’ve carried you on the outside for as long as I carried you on the inside, and I will carry you in my heart forever. I love you sweet boy!